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Our Temporary

Used Inventory Sale

This image was created using the following prompt: "Create an image about the company's green initiative. Add a person holding a device, observing nature, with sun rays, greenery, and a happy vibe." Enjoy!

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All the devices sold on this site are second-hand. They have all been used to create beautiful digital products, handled with care. Those that encountered "accidents" were thoroughly repaired by the official Apple support in Bulgaria. This means most of these laptops have brand new keyboards, motherboards, or almost new batteries.

Still, when you buy a second-hand device, what you see is what you get. There is always a risk of the device failing, and that's why the prices are so friendly. We aim to give these devices a second life, to help someone become familiar with Mac, provide your kids or little sister with a tool for browsing and doing homework, or assist your parents in calling you on Viber whenever they want to see their grandchildren. Alternatively, you can enjoy reading a book or listening to your favorite podcast at the beach. And all this while taking a step toward saving the environment, one device at a time.

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